Seine river
Shepherds is a family run sheep operation located 30 minutes east of
Winnipeg near Ste. Anne, Manitoba. Our commercial flock of 200 ewes
is bred to maximize market lamb production for our freezer lamb and
auction trade and provide excellent wool for our value-added wool
business.Our breeding program goes back to
1984 with the purchase of our first Purebred Finn Landrace ewes. We
used the national Record of Performance (ROP) and then Ovissy as the
main selection tool for our early flock. Ewe prolificacy has always
been one of our most important selection criteria. We combined this
with the kgs of lamb weaned in selecting our replacement ewes. We
use Purebred, F1 and cross bred rams in our breeding program. For
the 2006 lamb crop we used both pure-bred Isle de France rams and
Isle de France X Rideau Arcott rams.
Flock health is one of the most important
investments a shepherd can make. It saves time and money in
treatment as well as lowering the risk of serious economic loss from
disease outbreak. We bring our off farm genetics in from a single
farm in Alberta. They have a closed flock with a AA health status.
Other then that our flock has been closed since 1991. We follow an
annual vaccination and parasite control program.